
Specialized professionals, experienced in the different areas of activity of the firm, provide security and efficiency to clients seeking solutions in advocacy, advisory, and business consulting.

Zulmar Neves

Zulmar Neves

Attorney and Accountant

Lawyer and Accountant, a specialist in International Law and Criminal-Tax Law, working in Tax Law; Corporate Law, with extensive experience in joint-venture operations, mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, and dissolution processes of companies and restructuring family businesses. He also acts in Contract Law, notably with international purchase and sale contracts, technology transfer, and trademarks and patents. He is also a member of the Board of Directors and Tax Authorities of companies, Director of the Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Services of Caxias do Sul, a member and arbitrator of the Chamber of Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation of CIERGS, member of the Superior Council of the Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Rio Grande do Sul, acts as a Judge at the Administrative Court of Tax Appeals – TARF/RS and participates in the Tax, Legal and Civil Affairs Council – CONTEC of FIERGS.

João Carlos Franzoi Basso

João Carlos Franzoi Basso


Lawyer, Master in Tax Law from the Federal University of Paraná, working in Corporate and Commercial Law. He also works in Environmental Law, Intellectual Property Law, and new technologies.

Fábio Dal Pont Branchi

Fábio Dal Pont Branchi


Lawyer, a specialist in Constitutional Law from UNISUL and in Business Law from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), with expertise in Arbitration, Commercial, Corporate, and Contracts Law.

Fernando Corsetti Manozzo

Fernando Corsetti Manozzo


Lawyer, a specialist in Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law from the Institute of Cultural Development (IDC), postgraduate in the MBA in Business Law from the Institute of Cultural Development (IDC), with expertise in the areas of Commercial Law, Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law, and Consumer Relations Law.

Gustavo Neves Rocha

Gustavo Neves Rocha


Lawyer, specialist in Business Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/RS) and in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), working in the areas of Business and Tax Law.

Sillas Battastini Neves

Sillas Battastini Neves


Lawyer, specialist in Corporate Law from FGV DIREITO SP (São Paulo, SP) and Business Law from DECISION FGV (Porto Alegre, RS). Ling Institute Fellow in the Global Competitiveness Leadership Program (GCL) at Georgetown University (Washington, DC). He works in the areas of Corporate and Contractual Law. He is an Honorary Associate at the Institute of Business Studies (IEE).

Vinícius Lunardi Nader

Vinícius Lunardi Nader


Lawyer, a specialist in Tax, Financial, and Economic Law at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), acting in claims related to the areas of litigation and advisory in Tax Law.

Carolina Teles Carvalho

Carolina Teles Carvalho


Lawyer, Postgraduate student in Civil Procedural Law at Faculdade IBMEC São Paulo and Instituto Damásio de Direito, Postgraduate student in Tax Law at PUCRS, working in Tax Law. Lawyer, specialist in Civil Procedural Law at Faculdade IBMEC São Paulo and Instituto Damásio de Direito, Postgraduate student in Tax Law at PUCRS, working in Tax Law.

Gustavo Cousseau Cavion

Gustavo Cousseau Cavion


Lawyer, specialist in Tax Law from Instituto Damásio de Direito, Postgraduate in Tax Planning from Faculdade Brasileira de Tributação, working in Tax Law.

Gustavo Tonet Fagundes

Gustavo Tonet Fagundes


Lawyer, post-graduated in digital law and data protection from the Brazilian Law School, with experience in Civil, Corporate, Digital, and Data Protection Law.

Julia Zatti Cardoso

Julia Zatti Cardoso


Lawyer, a specialist in Civil Procedure at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, working in the areas of Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Business Law. Lawyer, a Postgraduate student in Business Law at Unisinos and a specialist in Civil Procedure Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, working in the areas of Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Business Law.

Karoline Gonçalves Bruno

Karoline Gonçalves Bruno


Lawyer, postgraduate student in Real Estate Law at Legale Educacional, working in Civil Law and Civil Procedure and Corporate Law.

Maiara Oliveira Paloschi

Maiara Oliveira Paloschi


Lawyer, a specialist in Business Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), postgraduate in Civil Law from the University of Passo Fundo, working in Civil, Business, Family, and Succession Law.

Patrícia Pantaleão Gessinger Fontanella

Patrícia Pantaleão Gessinger Fontanella


Lawyer, a specialist in Environmental Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), with experience in Civil, Civil Procedural, Business, and Environmental Law.